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Team Spotlight: Sally

By Adrianna Nehme, Communications Assistant

Sally is the Senior Math Mentor for FORA. Before working with FORA, she gained plenty of exposure to volunteering, working with organizations such as Habitat for Humanity and also volunteering at hospitals and summer camps and teaching around the world. After going on the website “VolunteerMatch”, Sally discovered FORA and its need for math tutors. With her love for tutoring math, she decided to join in order to support refugee students.

When coming to work, she looks forward to conversations with her tutee about math and other unrelated topics that range from riddles to strange concoctions that include chili with dried fish. Thus far, the highlight of Sally’s experience was witnessing the perseverance of her own students. Despite her tutee’s dislike for math, she continued to work with Sally, even when she was given the opportunity to quit. Sally commemorates this dedication, and she highlights the importance of creating shared memories when volunteering, even through the online experience. She also emphasizes the importance of asking questions, and mentions that it is the best way to fully understand what’s going on in someone else’s life.

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